Messy restaurant restrooms. Eeuuww! Messy bathrooms period are a drag, and by messy, I don't mean the occasional cat-torn-toilet-paper-on-the-floor messy. I mean the "oh boy, whazz'at on the floor" kinda messy. But when you're in a restaurant, and you need to use the loo, and loo seems to be screaming "boo!" well, that's just scary. Today I went to a lovely new spot for lunch, quite chic, quite urban, and moderately expensive, but the bathrooom was frightening ... right down to the torn-off-real-lock-substituted-with-a-hook-n-latch-lock. Really? Add that to the super bad water pressure that made the go-go a no-go and well, let's just say that I was thrilled to have the experience after the meal or it woulda been an appetite killer. Hate messy restrooms!
People who can keep the conversation moving. At the same surprise lunch today, friends and I were were laughing and talking and talking and sighing and sighing and exclaiming and exclaiming and eating and eating and planning and planning to eat more :) Phew! All good, every minute, every bite, every word. What a joy to be out to lunch and find that you all have so much to say, you hardly get much said at all because you're trying to squeeze 15 conversations into each 15 minutes! It was a blast, and I so appreciated being with people who kept the talk buzzin'. Love conversation movers!