It's snowing today in my hometown. And it's been a fairly benign weather winter in the land of could-be-so-intense-and-snowy-and-icey-that-people-die-shoveling-sometimes so I really can't complain.
I was thinking about that this morning, complaining that is, and prepared my soul for the savagery of the Facebook posts, radio announcers and other complainy social stimuli that I'd hear once I left my home base. But then I remembered that I'm an aunt of a niece who loves snow falls. And since I take being an aunt more seriously than being anything else, my niece's love of snow trumps'em all. All those complainers, all those commenters, all those drivers-making-poor-decisions, and my eventual sore back from shoveling.
Because when you're an aunt, and you have a niece who loves snowfalls, the thought of her smile and sense of wonder makes everything else melt away.