Friday, September 17, 2010


Fashions that instill fear. I just figured this out during a conversation yesterday. The guy-fashion where waistlines are down below or at the bun-level? Well, it's not that I don't like it, it's that it s c a r e s me. Seeing guy after guy walking around "on the verge" of a) getting a snuggy-prank played on him, or b) dropping drawers and tripping while crossing a street, or c) letting the world know that no bleach has ever touched his tidy-whities ... well, it's just too much to bear. I have FEAR. And I hate that.

Coincidences. Like when you're thinking about someone, and then they call you. Or you really need french fries and you see that there's a McD's up ahead. Or you're planning on buying Puff's Plus (with Aloe) because you have a really, really sore nose (and toilet paper now hurts) and you see that Walgreen's has a special on Puff's and there's a coupon in the paper, too. BINGO! A co-coincidence! Love that. So I was particularly pleased when a nephew of mine, who shall remain nameless (kinda), recognized on an overseas flight that, coincidentally, the seat letters above him on the luggage rack matched his initials perfectly. Yup! JHG. Just sittin' there. Flying around the world, and coincidentally, sitting in his very, own monogrammed row. Love that!

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